Steal our winners review graphic

Definitive Steal our winners review: Is it a scam?

If you are wondering if Rich Schefren’s membership is worth it or if it is a scam, here is my Steal our winners review. I have been a member since the first issue so I have a lot to cover.


Exactly what’s working right now🛑 Not for absolute beginners
7 actionable tactics per month🛑 Can lead to rabbit holes
Generous interviewees
Hard to get interviews
More value than most memberships

If you are familiar with Rich and his work, you can skip this section and go straight to the Steal our Winners review. If you are going to invest into an internet marketing membership you better know who’s behind it, so if you don’t here’s a refresher:

Who is Rich Schefren?

Rich Schefren – Steal our winners review

Rich Schefren is a brilliant marketing strategist and consultant. He has coached more internet marketers than anyone, and he is behind the success of many well known marketers online. If you know about Russel Brunsson and Clickfunnels, Rich showed him how to do webinars when the IRS was breathing down his neck.

He soon retired because as an artist at heart he felt like he’s done what he needed to do. But around 2020 with the threat of Big Tech he decided to get back from retirement to create Steal our winners, so that the little guys online like you and me can band together and still profit. You can get $1 trial here.

What is Steal our winners?

Steal our winners is a membership program where every month you get 7 video interviews with various marketers. They are all interviewed by Rich personally and everything revolves around one question: What is working right now? Because Rich is the “Guru’s guru” he is well connected and gets a lot of really top marketers to answer that question. More on this further down my steal our winners review.

Steal our winners is published under Strategic Profits, which is an Agora Financial brand. Agora financial is one of the most successful newsletter publishers in the United States.

Who is this for?

SOW is for anyone who is, broadly speaking, making income online. This is not for the rank beginner that doesn’t know where to begin. You need to have some basic working knowledge of how things work online to make most out of this. For example one interview reveals that there is a specific emoji you can use to boost your Facebook ads response, in order to make the most of this, you need to know FB ads basic.

Now that we have the basics out of the way, and that you see the Rich is legit and not a scammer let’s dig in the Steal our winners review proper.

Steal our winners review

Inside membership – Steal our winners review

I’ve been a member since day one so this Steal our winners review is from a long term user. The name is of course based on what the concept is: Marketers find out what works and you get to “steal” the winners. Of course you are not stealing anything, but you get the shortcuts to what’s working right now.

Every month you receive an email with the current month’s issue. Here’s a sample of who’s inside from 3 issues:

  • Russell Brunson: The Free Book Funnel That Generated $66 In Profit Per Customer
  • Jordan Menard: How To Boost The Accuracy Of Your Sales Data By 40%
  • Cole Gordon: 6 Steps To Increase Phone Sales By 566%
  • Maxwell Finn: Increase AOV By 25% By Optimizing Facebook Traffic
  • Greg Rollett: How To Get 600,000 Video Views For Free
  • Jeremy Blossom: The 7 Stages Of A Scalable Customer Journey
  • Mars The Marketer: The Secret To Recording High-Converting Social Proof Reels
  • Taylor Welch: The Simple Facebook Messenger Script That Helps Close $10,000 Sales
  • Neil Patel: How To Drive 60,000 Customers To Your Site With A Chrome App
  • Anik Singal: How To Write A Book In 1 Day That Gene‌rates 270,000 Le‌ads
  • James Van Elswyk: The Backdoor Way To Get Your Native Ads Featured On Top Websites
  • Tellman Knudson: 10X Email Profits With Fictional Marketing Mascots
  • Molly Mahoney: 6 Easy Steps To Grow And Monetize Your Livestream
  • Mikael Dia: Gene‌rate $300,00+ In 11 Da‌ys By Relaunching Your Offer

  • Caleb O’Dowd: The 12-Day Seven-Figure “Mini” Facebook Group
  • George Bryant: How To Get A 31X Return By Giving Away Birthday Gifts
  • Kim Walsh Phillips: How To Make $250k From A Small Virtual Event
  • Sean Kemp: Illustrating Your Big Idea To Increase Sales By 2.5X
  • Allison Carpio: The Simple Design Tweak That Boosts VSL Conversions By 33%
  • Brandon Ham: Double Conversions By Scaling Campaigns With Native Advertising
  • Matt Rizvi: 7 Ways To Maximize Affiliate Marketing Profits

I do appreciate the straight to the point approach with the copy, they keep it pretty vanilla and the descriptions are on-point without the hype.

When you log in the Strategic Profits members area you are greeted with the issues you have access to.

One the left is the current issue menu – Steal our winners review

Click on one and you have the collection of interviews. Each is about one hour that the video player allows for playing at 2x the speed so about 30 minutes each.

There are some unknown, well known and hard to gets in terms of the interviewees. Michael Dia for example has been rocking it in software sales but is not out there as a marketer. In terms of hard to gets there is Chis Haddad which is one of the best copywriters ever, especially in the dating niche.

Chris Haddad interview – Steal our winners review

I only saw one of what I would call unsavory character but even if they shell out crappy products, what they said within the interview (You can’t b.s. Rich) was pretty on point.

Interview quality

What most videos look like – Steal our winners review

Interviews can be a waste of time, not only because there might be lots of rambling but also, the interviewee often has a vested interest to hold things back. So besides the quick background intro, it’s mostly business which I appreciate. Because of the start power (more on this further down this steal our winners review) the features also are pretty generous with their information, they do lay down everything on the table. Rich is sharp and a good interviewer so he asks pertinent questions.

Why this is different than anything else

Marketing is servant to the law of diminishing returns. If something works now, with enough time and if enough people do it it becomes ineffective. So one of the most important aspects of business success is speed. Early adopters get the advantage.

For example when Tik Tok came around, a lot of fresh talent came in and got massive exposure because there wasn’t too many in there to begin with. A lot of memberships and courses will tell you what has been working and while there is money to be made there, there is even more to be made by being quick to jump on what’s starting to work now.

It is kind of like Bitcoin, those who made the most are the early adopters. With Steal our winners you get the risk taken out of the equation, the interviewees are the ones who put in time and money to see if something works, you just get the cliff notes version and you can implement.

Why would they do that, you ask? Two words: Rich Schefren. Being one of the most brilliant marketer, people have no problem spilling the beans in order to be interviewed by him.
While he is not known in the front end of marketing, in the back end pretty much all roads lead to Rich Schefren. He had his hands in everyone’s cake, even if a lot wish to keep that a secret. Here’s a non solicited comment I’ve seen about SOW

Worth 100x what we paid for it!

Hey Rich, Steal Our Winners has been one of the best investments Miyuki and I have ever made. You’re speaking the gospel truth that new platforms and tactics deliver outsized results. S.O.W has been a gold mine of new strategies and tactics. It’s been worth 100x to us what we paid for it. – Mboso Sampson

Try SOW here for $1

So this kind of product could only have been made by Rich Schefren, other marketers simply do not have the network not the star power. It is a bit like if Bill Gates asked to to show off the best parts of your code, wouldn’t you do it?

That is why the featurees spill their beans. Of course what that means for you is that you get to know what’s working now vs years after they have been riding the wave of success.

Does this make money?

I know you want to know if Steal our winners will make you money. Fair enough. I cannot say yes as this can make me liable in front of the law. Plus I have no idea where you are at in your business but I can tell you two things.
First if you’d be hard pressed not to find a tactic or two you can use for your situation, whether getting started in SEO or a framework of persuasive copy.

Second, some of these tactics are some of my most cherished. One tactic I’ve learned about Facebook ads is still very valuable to me 2 years after I’ve heard it. So if you sell stuff online, just one good idea can change your fortune and this is like a buffet of ideas.

What else do you get?

Besides the actual interviews what you get is downloadable PDF transcripts and downloadable MP3s. You are not missing anything with the MP3s. The videos are just of Rich talking to the marketer, rarely there is a screen share but not often.

Action guide under each video with steps – Steal our winners review

But probably the best part of the deliverable is the action guides found under each video. If going trough each interview is not something you look forwards to you also get an action guide for each interview showing you the exact actionable steps you can take to implement. This is not really a summary but a step by step checklist for quick implementation.

Steal our winners cons

Steal our winners delivers exactly on what is promises. Interviewing a large range of marketers to find out what’s working right now. But there are two negatives depending on who you are.

If you can’t sit down and focus on something until success, you will be going down many rabbit holes trying this and then that. So you have to look at what you are doing and figure out what is relevant to you right now in order to get the most out of this.
Second, if you like Rich Schefren more than anything, well this product is not really about him but about what is working for the interviewees. But that ends up being a good thing. Why? Because of the interview, so you get to hear Rich divulge ideas and concepts he wouldn’t otherwise reveal. So you get to be a fly on the wall with Rich interacting with another marketer.

Is this worth the price?

I’ve been around the internet marketing crowd and I can tell you this is one of the best values you can get. A LOT of marketers simply give you a monthly PDF download (and it’s mostly theory). Or there is a single trick per issue that might or might not be relevant to you. Or it’s a mindset issue that is designed to hoodwink you into keeping your membership.

Every month you get 7 actionable tactics. Steal our winners review

In steal our winners you get 7 strategies from different perspectives and you can be sure of one thing: This is something that is working right now. There is more value in SOW’s monthly $49 than $99 memberships and I’ve been in many. If you are an action taker this stuff is invaluable because if it wasn’t for Rich, nobody would reveal what’s working right now for them. This is not the kind of “internet marketing” you will find on Google or Youtube for free but hardcore, in the trenches stuff.

Try it for a dollar

Get the charter issue for free – Steal our winners review

This concludes my steal our winners review, I said everything I needed to say. I you want to get it, all you need is a dollar, which is a criminal price. What you get is the current issue + the first issue. You also get an invite to the private Facebook group. You have 30 days to try it out, keep your membership and it’s only $49 a month. So it’s nothing short of a steal for what you get. Keep your membership because as the time of writing there is no way to get the back issues.


If hope you have enjoyed my steal our winners review. Long story short, it is an absolute steal and the features drop some absolute gems that even after 10 years I have never heard as a marketer. You will want to act now and get this as soon as possible because the individual issues are not sold so if you miss out, you miss out. Rich Schefren is one of the most respected names in all of marketing. SOW is an insane value so do yourself a favor a try it for a $1.

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