KDP low content book templates graphics

8 Best low content book templates that make money

Interiors drive low content book sales: have crappy ones and nobody will buy. Here are the best low content book templates that makes money.

Why interiors are important

After a few years on KDP I can tell you for sure that one of the reasons why your books don’t sell is because of the interiors. Imagine someone is interested in your journal because it’s the perfect size and they love the cover…but then they click on “See inside”, a feature of Amazon and they go “Yuck!”. You have lost the sale.

So do make sure that your low content book interiors are high quality to make the sale. Also make sure that you have the rights to said low content book templates. This is mostly a warning if you use marketplaces to find sellers of templates, there are some bad apples in there that can sell you things THEY don’t have the rights to and that leads YOU in potential legal blunder.

That is why you want to keep with either reputable template sellers or individuals you know are the individual creators. Lastly, as a general rule, avoid FREE low content book templates. Because while there is nothing wrong with them, if it is something that everyone uses, you have lost some differentiation point between your title and the millions of others.

8 Best Low content book templates

Busy? Here’s the top recommendations below:

The best choice overallFor customizationBest marketplace
Offers the most high quality templates, instant resize and ready-to-print PDF generation.Lots of high quality templates in unique niches in a variety of formats.Best marketplace to find low content book templates, including full books.

Now that we’ve seen the top 3 let’s look at each in detail:

1. Book Bolt Interiors: Best for everything

Low content book templates by Book Bolt

Book Bolt is like the swiss army knife for low content creators. One feature it has that no others has is the interior generator. It is as simple as clicking on the interior you want, selecting the size and the amount of pages. This means you never have to deal with Indesign, Word or Google docs. Why this is one of the strongest low content book interiors on the list is because there are some pretty interesting interiors in there that will stimulate ideas.

So while you may go in for simple notebook interior, you will have ideas for logbooks, music sheets and more. The ease of use is unbeatable. Find out more in my Book Bolt review, you get the BB here and use the code “NICHEPERFECT” for 20% off. This is the ultimate source of low content book templates.

One of THE best reasons to use Book Bolt is simply that you are legally covered. They give you the rights to make money with their interiors, for many you have to send emails and make sure what the legal rights are.

2. Bookbird

Bookbird is home to some REALLY high quality low content book templates. They are probably THE best designed ones I have seen. The only reason why this is second place and not first is because Book Bolt is software that can generate pages while this is more templates that need to be opened up in software.

But they have tough about everything so you have access to the files in multiple formats like PDF, Google Slides and more so you can have these templates without having to pay for software. Because these templates have been made by the Book Bird team, you can be sure that they have the rights to give you a license. This is not the case with the creative marketplaces recommended below.

3. Creative Fabrica: For various templates

Creative Fabrica is a marketplace FOR Print on demand services like KDP. They have a dedicated section for KDP low content books and it is awesome. The downside of many templates is that they are just one page repeated over and over, and while that is exactly what you might want, there is less competition in books that have some degree of effort put into them. This is where Creative Fabrica shines there are templates in there that have a lot of content, like activity books. Simply scramble the pages and ad a few extra graphics and you are off to the races selling them.

4. Fiverr: For pre-made low content book templates

Fiverr is normally a platform where you find services on the cheap. But there are quite a few sellers that simply sell products in there, including low content book templates. The real downside here is that you will have to do due diligence, and make sure that the seller is either to creator or has the right to resell those graphics. So send a message to them before hand and protect yourself.

5. Rob Cubbon interiors: For planners

Low content book templates by Rob Cubbon

Rob gives away some interiors in his course, but this is one of the best low content book templates if you are looking for planners. Rob is a designer and the files you get are impeccable, like with some spacing in between the facing pages to take the book crease into account.

They are REALLY well designed and you create some pretty unique products. The way the weekly is set up you have a notes area at the bottom right. This is where you can put anything you want and transform a simple planner into something special. Add some motivational quotes about marriage in there and you have a marriage planner. Add some stoic quotes and it is a stoic planner.

The negative here is that while you are good to go to use the planners as-is if you want to customize you will need Adobe Indesign.

6. Puzzle wiz: For puzzle books

Puzzle Wiz a low content book templates generator

Generate pages and pages of simple puzzle books from mazes to crossword. As a low content book creator you will not be able to rank or sell generic puzzle books BUT this is where you can do a themed activity book (Like Bible activity book with crosswords and more) or you can do themed game books. You can add graphics to the Sudoku pages and sell it as a Sudoku book for animal lovers for example.

This is NOT WELL known by a lot of low content creators so a lot of opportunity there.

7. Etsy

Etsy is home to a few really good designers and they sell their low content book templates on the marketplace. Your mileage may vary with this one and unlike the many option you have with Bookbolt or Bookbird, all you get is a single low content book template type. Again, make sure they have the rights to sell you a license.

8. Bring your own idea

The problem with a lot of the low content book interiors is that they are available to anyone. If someone is on amazon, sees all the books are the same, the one with the unique interior will most likely win. This is where designers have a leg up in low content books.

If your design skills are limited, sign up on FIVERR and get yourself a designer there. There are a lot of people who are specifically KDP low content book interior designers. I know of someone that partnered with a fiverr designer. They do the work for free and get a few cents for every title sold. This is one creative way to get custom low content book templates without paying up front.


If you are looking for the best low content book templates, stick to Book Bolt and Book Bird. They are high quality interiors with complete no-frills licenses. You can also check marketplaces like Creative Fabrica, but make your dude diligence to figure out that the sellers are legitimate, or order custom templates yourself from fiver.

3 thoughts on “8 Best low content book templates that make money”

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